Tag: featured

Should prostitution be taxed, regulated and controlled?

“That document contends that sexual desire is a fundamental need and that punishing buyers ‘may amount to a violation of the right to privacy and undermine the rights to free expression and health.’ The group also cites the benefits for buyers with physical and psychological disabilities who ‘feel safe to express their sexuality” and “develop a stronger sense of self with their relationships with sex workers.’ ”

The shameful problem of elder financial abuse is only going to get worse.

Certainly, these cases are not exactly hard to find—last week Deadline Hollywood highlighted the sad fate of Eunice Bellah, the widow of the late and acclaimed television and film art director Ross Bellah. A few years after her husband’s death, the longtime family accountant deposited Eunice Bellah in a nursing home, sold her residence, and listed possessions ranging from wheelchairs to artwork on Craigslist, with longtime family friends powerless to intervene.

Tsukerman: Crimea Today

“Ukrainian sources report that Moscow, through business channels that include the CEO of one state-owned oil major, is quietly sounding out Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko on a grand bargain that would include Russia’s final withdrawal from the Donbass with Ukraine’s recognition of Russia’s sovereignty over Crimea in exchange for about $100 billion in debt forgiveness, gas price rebates and other financial incentives.”

Amtrak delays: It didn’t have to be this way

“We’re seeing two trends converging in an extraordinary way,” said Thomas Wright, president of the Regional Plan Association, a research and advocacy group. “Ridership is hitting all-time highs on the Northeast Corridor at the same time that the system is just too brittle and does not have the ability to withstand heat waves, storms and other incidents.”