Tag: featured

China Takes Aim at Western Ideas

Even as Mr. Xi has sought to prepare some reforms to expose China’s economy to stronger market forces, he has undertaken a “mass line” campaign to enforce party authority that goes beyond the party’s periodic calls for discipline. The internal warnings to cadres show that Mr. Xi’s confident public face has been accompanied by fears that the party is vulnerable to an economic slowdown…

Free Bill DeWeese!

Actions like these are the reason why the Corbett re-election race has still not been taken off the board. Democrats are known for overcoming all odds in racing to defeats. This in spite of almost a million plurality state voter registration edge.

Trash Into Gas, Efficiently? An Army Test May Tell

But big drawbacks have prevented the wholesale adoption of trash-to-gas technology in the United States: incineration is polluting, and the capital costs of new plants are enormous. Gasification systems can expend a tremendous amount of energy to produce a tiny amount of electricity. Up to this point, it hasn’t seemed worth the trouble.

Virtual U: Master’s Degree Is New Frontier of Study Online

But the courses have not yet produced profound change, partly because they offer no credit and do not lead to a degree. The disruption may be approaching, though, as Georgia Tech, which has one of the country’s top computer science programs, plans to offer a MOOC-based online master’s degree in computer science for $6,600 — far less than the $45,000 on-campus price…