Tag: featured

Toomey shows the way for other lawmakers

For example, while Sen. Pat Toomey thinks the Affordable Care Act would be best repealed, he is working with Democrats to amend it instead. Toomey told the Inquirer Editorial Board this week that because President Obama would not sign any bill that kills his signature legislation…

Why is Kathleen Kane prosecuting Barbara Mancini?

Kane’s decision is questionable, based on what is known before the judge imposed a gag order. Unless some critical facts are yet to emerge, the Mancini case seems like the kind that a compassionate prosecutor, one who knows the pain families often endure as a loved one suffers a prolonged and difficult death, would refuse to pursue…

More doctors accepting Medicare patients

USA TODAY: The number of physicians accepting new Medicare patients rose by one-third between 2007 and 2011 and is now higher than the number of physicians accepting new private insurance patients, according to a Department of Health and Human Services report obtained by USA TODAY.