Tag: featured

10 points from interview with Russia’s Putin

“President Obama hasn’t been elected by the American people in order to be pleasant to Russia. And your humble servant hasn’t been elected by the people of Russia to be pleasant to someone either. We work, we argue about some issues. We are human. Sometimes one of us gets vexed. But I would like to repeat once again that global mutual interests form a good basis for finding a joint solution to our problems.”

Race for Pennsylvania governor starting early

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: … This year, with a dearth of competitive races for local offices, the political focus has shifted forward a year, to the contest where Tom Corbett, the state’s currently unpopular governor, will defend his tenure and the decades-old pattern of the major parties trading control of the governor’s mansion every eight years. A handful of the members of the large Democratic field vying to challenge Mr. Corbett will be working the crowd at the parade, highlighting the early start to the 2014 competition.

Obama’s New Pot Rules Are a Bigger Deal Than You Think

This was a deliberate—and deeply radical—decision about who is in charge of most drug enforcement. “The thrust is that they will allow the state of Washington to be the principal law-enforcement agent in this regard,” Inslee said. That is, for the first time, the president and head of the US Department of Justice have chosen to hand over the reins on major, controversial drug-control policy to the states.

U.S. Facing Test on Data to Back Action on Syria

But with the botched intelligence about Iraq still casting a long shadow over decisions about waging war in the Middle East, the White House faces an American public deeply skeptical about being drawn into the Syrian conflict and a growing chorus of lawmakers from both parties angry about the prospect of an American president once again going to war without Congressional consultation or approval…

Intelligencer Journal New Era hits a reporting low for 2013

Article “Harrisburg incinerator sale raises environmental concerns” starts out as though it will at long last address the serious issue of whether the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (LCSWMA) is exposing Lancaster County residents to a future big jump in trash collection fees should it acquire the Harrisburg incinerator and the Department of Environmental Protection require a ‘clean up’ at a future date.