Tag: featured

Pa. fracking boom goes bust

By some measures, unconventional drilling for natural gas, or “fracking,” in the Marcellus Shale formation in Pennsylvania has dropped by more than 50 percent since its peak in 2010, the year Corbett was elected. Experts say that’s because of several factors – but the biggest by far is a steep plunge in the price that natural gas was getting on the open market, in part a result of so much fracking here and elsewhere.

“Blue Jasmine” in the rear view mirror

Let’s not spend too much time or energy trying to rank Woody Allen’s “Blue Jasmine” in the context of his many other career high points. Regardless of how it’ll be seen in the future, the movie is one of the very few satisfying dramas of 2013. It may be a light drama, and it may borrow from Tennessee William’s “Streetcar Named Desire,” but it stakes out its own territory and has been rewarded by critics and audiences with a long theatrical run.

Mexico’s New Drug War Looks Like the Old Drug War

DRUG WAR CHRONICLE: Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto came into office in December vowing to break with his predecessor’s reliance on the Mexican military to fight the so-called drug cartels. He said he wanted to concentrate on lowering crime and increasing public security instead of making high-profile busts or killings of cartel leaders, and he said he would create a militarized national police force to replace the military in drug fighting.