Tag: featured

LETTER: Questioning the integrity of Tom Baldridge

The study was never confidential but its owners, the Lancaster Campaign/Lancaster Alliance – controlled by PSP with Baldridge as the trained lapdog and mouthpiece, knew it would not hold up to scrutiny. As the entire basis of the tax and project, the owners of that study knew it had to be released. It was finally released at the 11th hour by Tom.

Capitolwire: McGinty announces U.S. Senate bid.

McGinty’s first statewide run, in contrast to Sestak, earned her a last place finish in the 2014 Democratic primary among a field of four, where she collected fewer than 70,000 votes. But she didn’t partake in the mud-slinging during the 2014 primary and kept the campaign positive. That, coupled with her outreach efforts as chair of Wolf’s “Fresh Start” campaign committee, helped her make inroads with local party officials across the stat

Future of Ukraine

According to Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Alexei Pavlenko this year Ukraine has set a record for the export of grain. Pavlenko reported resently at Cabinet meeting:

“Contrary to some saying that Ukraine will be without bread, we have the remains after export of nearly 30.5 million tons more than last year. We have enough bread to eat, and there is enough grain to provide food security even in the case of the worst crisis”.