Tag: featured


“But it has become glaringly obvious, even to many who have supported these wars, that this can’t continue. We don’t have the money. Too many lives already have been lost and disrupted. Are we really any safer? And why must we continue kicking hornets’ nests, just because we can?


“According to data from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, Lancaster ended its fiscal year 2011 with $221.6 million in total debt — and with a population of 59,322, that works out to $3,735.15 for every man, woman and child living in the city.”

Hank Paulson: Another Financial Crisis Is ‘a Certainty’

Paulson added that Congress has tied the hands of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department in dealing with a future crisis. Bloomberg Businessweek reported that Paulson’s Treasury in 2008 used its exchange stabilization fund to guarantee the assets of money market mutual funds, “a measure that prevented a run on those funds that would have crippled the financial system.” The Treasury would not be permitted to do that today…

Exiting the Solar System and Fulfilling a Dream

“This is historic stuff, a bit like the first exploration of Earth, and we had to look at the data very, very carefully,” said Edward C. Stone, 77, NASA’s top Voyager expert, who has been working on the project since 1972. He said he was excited about what comes next. “It’s now the start of a whole new mission,” he said.

Proposal for Pa. graduation tests passes hurdle

The regulations would trigger perhaps the biggest changes in Pennsylvania school curricula in two decades, even as proponents sought to tamp down concerns over heavy-handed and centralized government intrusion into schools by stressing that each district would still control its curriculum and decide when to administer state-designed graduation tests called Keystone Exams…

LETTER: A master stroke in history

President Barack Obama has just won a monumental victory for the USA and the civilized world, with a self motivated but valuable assist from Vladimir Putin, in causing Syria to sign onto the treaty against use of chemical and biological weapons, and had done so notwithstanding resistance and opposition from most of the American people and its elected representatives.