Tag: featured

LETTER: LNP: “Slippery slope of unethical journalism”

Rest assured; LNP will orchestrate this ‘debate’ to insure that ‘their’ candidate of choice and their ‘pet issues’ will receive the most attention and favorable press. LNP has no business ’sponsoring’ (what exactly is the cost of sponsorship for a debate???) anything that has to do the political arena….they have fed at that trough for too long already.


“As Lynne Stout, a professor at Cornell Law School and author of the book ‘The Shareholder Value Myth: How Putting Shareholders First Harms Investors, Corporations, and the Public,’ put it in an interview with National Public Radio’s David Brancaccio, the ‘golden age’ of business was a time when companies existed not just to make a profit.

Cost of elderly left out of PA Medicaid debate

CENTRE TIMES DAILY / AP: Gov. Tom Corbett’s plan to extend taxpayer-paid health insurance to hundreds of thousands of the working poor came with his repeated warnings that it is not an expansion of Medicaid and that he would not expand an entitlement program that he views as already too costly, bloated and ineffective.

LETTER: “Degenerate”

It is outrageous that someone would dismiss this woman’s monstrous behavior with the phrase, “Kids make mistakes”, and it is REVOLTING that someone would equate stealing a few bottles of liquor with the death of an infant and the abuse of his corpse.

Frack, baby, frack: Good news

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW Editorial: A new study finds natural gas wells leak far less methane than worst-case estimates predicted, suggesting industry emissions indeed are low enough that burning gas instead of coal benefits the climate. It’s particularly significant because the study is the result of a joint effort among nine drillers and the liberal Environmental Defense Fund.

Better to expand Medicaid

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER Editorial: ….[Gov. Tom] Corbett’s track record on social programs offers little reason for optimism. Since its first month in power, the Corbett administration has busied itself with discussions of ideas to close widening gaps in health coverage and cash aid for the state’s neediest, including 93,000 children who have been tossed off the rolls of both the joint state-federal Children’s Health Insurance Program and Medicaid.