Tag: featured

EDITORIAL: At times we get very discouraged, but then….

The disposition of Lancaster’s two most important issues, (1) the moving ahead with the Convention Center Project initially without a feasibility study and later despite one, and 2) the recent county commissioner’s approval and praise of the acquisition of the Harrisburg Incinerator, again without a feasibility study, makes us consider throwing in the towel.

Here’s why I object to the Harrisburg recovery plan: Harrisburg City Controller Dan Miller

In my view, with the sale and transfer of municipally owned assets, the burden is placed disproportionately on the residents and taxpayers of the city. While it’s true that the city’s major creditors have agreed to accept an immediate partial payment of approximately $210 million of the nearly $300 million debt, the plan calls for additional distribution of future funds that will make the creditors whole…

Obama’s Evolving Doctrine

At the United Nations on Tuesday, Mr. Obama drove home the conclusion that he came to after his own party deserted him over a military response to the chemical weapons attack that killed more than 1,000 Syrians: The bigger risk for the world in coming years is not that the United States will try to build empires abroad, he argued, but that there will be a price to be paid in chaos and disorder if Americans elect to stay home…

Lower Health Insurance Premiums to Come at Cost of Fewer Choices

When insurance marketplaces open on Oct. 1, most of those shopping for coverage will be low- and moderate-income people for whom price is paramount. To hold down costs, insurers say, they have created smaller networks of doctors and hospitals than are typically found in commercial insurance. And those health care providers will, in many cases, be paid less than what they have been receiving from commercial insurers…