Tag: featured

Muslim population surge in Russia brings alternative Islam lady clothing fashion

Over recent weeks, the Russian media noted many signs of the increase of Muslim activity in the country. Islam is the second largest religion in the Russian Federation. According to official statistics there are 9.4 million Muslims in Russian Federation, which represents 6.5% of the Russian population. However, many believe the number may be as much as twenty million.


“But what conservatives must understand is that a populace with no buying power will not buy. Even Wal-Mart itself is discovering this, perhaps reaping what it has sown. In August the company reported a surprise decline in quarterly same-store sales…”

Corbett, GOP confront worries of a Santorum replay

Now many Republicans are watching with growing unease as Gov. Tom Corbett’s poll numbers deteriorate. In late August – 14 months before voters decide on their next governor – the same pollster, Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, said 69 percent of registered voters did not believe Corbett deserves a second term…<

Senators in Bipartisan Talks on Deal to End Shutdown

According to Politico, some of the ideas being discussed include: a one-year extension of government funding at current sequestration levels with more flexibility on agency spending; a long-term debt limit increase of more than a year; a repeal of Obamacare’s medical device tax; changes to the Independent Payment Advisory Board under the healthcare law, and income means testing for Obamacare subsidies. ..