Tag: featured

For First Time, Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana

GALLUP: For marijuana advocates, the last 12 months have been a period of unprecedented success as Washington and Colorado became the first states to legalize recreational use of marijuana. And now for the first time, a clear majority of Americans (58%) say the drug should be legalized. This is in sharp contrast to the time Gallup first asked the question in 1969, when only 12% favored legalization.

Reform Medicare by raising eligibility age

Baby Boomers might be slowing down, but as they age, the behind-the-scenes debate to reform Medicare is getting more vigorous. Some suggest that the glut of beneficiaries born 1946-64 — what demographers call the “pig in the python” — will pass and we can merely nip and tuck at the program’s rising costs.

Campaign signs litter PA landscape

Democracy in its rawest form, thousands of citizens run for town council or mayor, township supervisor or school board member. Candidates for county judgeships (winners make $180,000 per year for ten years) are at the top end. Assessors and constables who will eke out a very small fee-based income are at the other end. School board candidates are not allowed to make anything and, recently, getting relatives jobs has been near impossible.

Voters will be asked, but not required, to show photo ID

LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL Op – Ed: Pennsylvania voters next month will again be asked — but not required — to show photo identification at the polls. This is consistent with Commonwealth Court’s August injunction order, which in most respects allowed a continuation of the voter ID law’s transition period, while the court decides whether the law should be fully implemented.