Tag: featured

Swing-state poll shows Joe Biden’s appeal

…n hypothetical general-election matchups in all three states, Vice President Joe Biden performed as well or better than Clinton against the top Republican candidates, outpacing even The Donald. (Biden has not made a decision on entering the race, though speculation has been hot in recent weeks.)

Madonna and other columnists hedge their stances over Kathleen Kane

At the same time, right wing Republican columnists are calling for Hillary Clinton to be indicted over her handling of e-mails. Here is a woman who served with merit and distinction as First Lady, as a U. S. Senator and as Secretary of State. And instead of facing the public in her presidential run she may be facing a jury! In both cases we see the latest implement in the Right Wing Republican tool case is bringing indictments on minor and technical transgressions.

State powers react to charges against attorneys-general

Grand jury actions are supposed to be secret to protect the innocent (humor intended). Rather, grand juries have become the political tools of corrupt prosecutors and judges. An indictment by a grand jury is a powerful pre-trial condemnation of the accused. Then there are the leaks that seem to accompany every grand jury investigation of a public figure. However, eventual prosecution of a leaker is rare.

Judge Carpenter’s statement re AG Kane’s assertion is unjudicial and disingenuous

“The emails that are in Attorney General Kane’s possession were not introduced into evidence before the 35th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury,” said Montgomery County Judge William Carpenter, in a statement issued Thursday… However, Capitol Wire goes on to report, “Carpenter’s protective order does not mention porn, but prevents OAG [Office of the Attorney General] from retaliating against witnesses who testified to the grand jury investigating Kane over an alleged leak.”

Al Gore not planning to run against Hillary, advisers say

In a phone interview, Democratic strategist James Carville said while he also “hasn’t heard” anything from the Gore camp, he wouldn’t be surprised if Gore weren’t at least considering the possibilities. “Running for president is like having sex. No one did it once and forgot about it. If you can do it, you want to do it again, it’s something you don’t get out of your system.”