Tag: featured

In Fed and Out, Many Now Think Inflation Helps

Some economists say more inflation is just what the American economy needs to escape from a half-decade of sluggish growth and high unemployment.
The Fed has worked for decades to suppress inflation, but economists, including Janet Yellen, President Obama’s nominee to lead the Fed starting next year, have long argued that a little inflation is particularly valuable when the economy is weak.


“Gray did not say Smithgall accepted county bond money to preserve his property as ‘farmland’ – which he did. Gray said he did it to preserve his firing range, as though the county paid him to permit its Special Emergency Response Team to use the firing range. In fact, Smithgall allows SERT to use the range for free…

Federal agents seize alleged Silk Road profits worth $35M

The Silk Road website, which allowed anonymous trade in illegal drugs, forged documents, hackers and hit men, had nearly a million customers and $1.2 billion in sales, court papers say. Silk Road’s operator, known on the site as “Dread Pirate Roberts,” allegedly collected commissions worth $80 million. FBI agent Christopher Tarbell called Silk Road “the most sophisticated and extensive criminal marketplace on the Internet today.”… (more)

Too many are in jail, and then jobless

True, crime rates have fallen in past decades, but only some of that can be attributed to high incarceration rates and are outweighed by the astronomical financial and social costs. Pennsylvania, for example, spends about twice as much on corrections – $1.8 billion – as it does on higher education…

Language-Gap Study Bolsters a Push for Pre-K

The new research by Anne Fernald, a psychologist at Stanford University, which was published in Developmental Science this year, showed that at 18 months children from wealthier homes could identify pictures of simple words they knew — “dog” or “ball” — much faster than children from low-income families. By age 2, the study found, affluent children had learned 30 percent more words in the intervening months than the children from low-income homes…