Tag: featured

NewsLanc’s sister publication in Hungary asks “Stupidity or corruption?”

BUDPEST BEACON: Was it stupidity or corruption that led the Hungarian parliament to adopt the new campaign finance law earlier this year? According to Political Capital and Transparency International Hungary, Law LXXXVI of 2013 allows hundreds of millions of forints in government campaign funds to be paid in cash to political parties running as few as 27 individual candidates in national parliamentary elections.

“Suitcase mood” in Russia

Two idiomatic expressions “Suitcase mood” and “It’s time to run” are among those that one can find especially often in the Russian media today. As was declared in 2011 by Sergei Stepashin, then head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, about 1,250,000 Russians who left Russia after fall of communism are working abroad.

Why Prisons Are Shrinking

States have found that many inmates go back to prison not for committing new crimes but for technical violations, like missing appointments with parole officers or failing drug tests. With that knowledge, states have moved to less costly and more effective sanctions — a brief jail stay, community service or more frequent meetings with the parole officer — for such offenses.