Tag: featured


“…a persuasive case could be made that the motto’s use has more to do with the nation’s rich religious history than any attempt to establish a state church. Adding the words ‘In God We Trust’ to public school buildings serves to honor the national motto while affirming Pennsylvania’s role in that history.”

Three reasons why America is using less oil

This year, Cummins Westport — a joint venture of Cummins (ticker: CMI ) and Westport Innovations (NASDAQ: WPRT ) that focuses on building natural-gas powered engines for trucks — introduced the first 12-liter natural gas engine. This engine is capable of powering heavy trucks weighing up to 40 tons, opening up a new market segment for natural gas engines.

The country is doing better than you think

Last week’s announcement that the U.S.economy grew at a 2.8 percent annual rate in the third quarter was stunning. It came with caveats, of course, because everything seems to come with caveats these days. Some doomsayers warned, for various arcane reasons, that it was the wrong kind of growth.

Despite perceptions, food stamp fraud low in state

The office, which investigates fraud related to welfare and food stamp benefits and other programs administered through the Department of Public Welfare, filed cases from fiscal 2010 through fiscal 2012 alleging average annual food stamp violations of $1.9 million. Total state food-stamp benefits during those years averaged $2.57 billion annually…

The JFK fascination

…There is a coyness to some retrospectives. In a long essay in a recent New York Times Book Review, Executive Editor Jill Abramson wonders “Was Kennedy a great president?” — a question she never answers — and opines that he “remains all but impossible to pin down,” whatever that means.

Governor needs more deeds for his re-election

PA Governor Tom Corbett would like to have a few more legislative achievements to tout in his campaign for re-election. By his own choosing, Corbett’s 2014 campaign for re-election to another four-year term actually began the day after the municipal election this year. The Republican began his campaign on a simplistic but appealing theme.

Monday Night Football, League Of Denial, And The Future Of The NFL

There are fears that parents will stop letting their children play the game, that football will die a slow death once we learn just how dangerous it is. Maybe, through it all, football fans have bargained with themselves: the game is dangerous, the dangers can’t be removed, and we’re going to ignore it all and enjoy it until the day those dangers don’t let us consciously enjoy it anymore.