Tag: featured

Small-town Pa. brewer Yuengling makes big time

The Yuengling family’s straightforward approach to beer and business has catapulted the brewery to huge success over the last two decades. The company has gone from about 245,000 barrels of beer produced in 1993 to about 2.8 million barrels of beer produced in 2012 — making it the No. 4 U.S. brewing company by beer sales volume last year…

Fight Brews In Pennsylvania’s 13th District For Democrats’ Direction

She served one term in Congress two decades ago, and was cast out after voting for then-President Bill Clinton’s budget, which she initially said she opposed but agreed to support when leadership told her they needed her vote. Now, she has a more immediate Clinton connection: [Marjorie] Margolies’ son Marc Margolies-Mezvinsky is married to Chelsea Clinton, the Clintons’ daughter…

PPP: Corbett nation’s most unpopular Gov

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: Another brutal poll today for Gov. Tom Corbett: Public Policy Polling finds his approval ratings are underwater with voters in his own party, he would lose reelection to any of the main Democrats seeking to oppose him next year, and he’s less popular than a couple GOP congressmen who could theoretically mount a primary challenge.

Top-Secret Document Reveals NSA Spied On Porn Habits As Part Of Plan To Discredit ‘Radicalizers’

The NSA document, dated Oct. 3, 2012, repeatedly refers to the power of charges of hypocrisy to undermine such a messenger. “A previous SIGINT” — or signals intelligence, the interception of communications — “assessment report on radicalization indicated that radicalizers appear to be particularly vulnerable in the area of authority when their private and public behaviors are not consistent,” the document argues.

LETTER: Making obscenity normal

It seems like an obscenity to celebrate a concentration camp, but it makes complete sense for people to feel gratitude for having jobs and to feel pride in performing them well. After a while, a concentration camp becomes simply a workplace, an enterprise that contributes to the local community by providing jobs.