Tag: featured

How to Deal With New Psychoactive Substances?

Not only is the prohibitionist reflex ineffective, it arguably increases the harms associated with the use of these drugs. But to ignore them or ban them aren’t the only policy choices, and some advocates are calling for these novel substances to instead be controlled and regulated. One model they point to is New Zealand, which instead of banning “legal highs,” moved to regulate them in 2013.

A ray of sunlight for A. G. Kathleen Kane

Considering her indictment and the barrage of media requests for her to step down without her having a single day in court to present a defense, this is a remarkable development and suggests a receptive public for potentially turning the tables on her accusers and their mouthpiece media.

My Aunty Is Here!

Well, my Great Aunt Bessie is here to visit, and the stories are flowing.  She’s eighty-eight and regaled us with stories all night.  We listened in shifts.  On the ride home from the airport, she spoke exclusively to my husband.  About me.  She crooned that I was such a loving child.  When we arrived home she flirted with my stepson.