Tag: featured

A political toll for road funding

Generated by higher gas taxes, licensing fees, and traffic fines, most of the money can be expected to go to sorely needed maintenance of the state’s transportation network, as identified by professionals in the state Department of Transportation and local agencies. But lawmakers also reserved up to about $60 million a year to be distributed by more dubious means – namely, themselves…

Ukrainian protesters besiege government building

At least three lawmakers of the governing Party of Regions have quit in protest, and the opposition wants to oust the Cabinet of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov during a confidence vote in Parliament on Tuesday. But the opposition, which now controls some 170 seats, would need 226 votes in the 450-seat Parliament to oust the government…

There’s still a place for a liberal arts education in today’s job market: John Anderson

The reason most cited by students is the ability to get a better job. This is no surprise; it is a reality. And institutions of higher education place themselves in peril if they continue to ignore how inadequately we have framed our role in everyday language—language that resonates with the public, policy shapers and legislators who influence and/or set the policies and control many of the resources shaping our destiny.

Massive protests rock Ukraine

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians angered by Mr. Yanukovych’s sudden reversal on the EU deal and a violent police crackdown on protesters Saturday streamed into Independence Square in Kiev’s center Sunday, carrying scarves, ribbons and flags in yellow and blue, Ukraine’s national colors, and chanting, “Get the thugs out.”…