Tag: featured

Liquor privatization might get a shot

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: A state budget deficit of up to $1.4 billion could open the door to GOP Gov. Tom Corbett’s top priority — selling the state liquor stores. And while it’s also been the No. 1 issue for House Majority Leader Mike Turzai, R-Marshall, Senate Republicans, incredibly, have stood in the way.

How civilization almost ended in 1983

“The episode radically changed Reagan, who confided in his diary: ‘Three years has taught me something surprising about the Russians. Many people at the top of the Soviet hierarchy were genuinely afraid of America and Americans. Perhaps this shouldn’t have surprised me but it did.’ The realization turned him from a harsh Cold Warrior into a far more emollient statesman.”

LETTER: ‘Projections’ used to sell us a bill of goods

The Lancaster County Board of Commissioners, under the blind eyes of Paul Thibault, should never have accepted the garbage predictions brought to them by the LCCCA and PSP. Of course, the same counsel, Stevens and Lee, was representing both the LCCCA and the County at the time and had represented PSP prior to 2000. I am sure they were getting “great” counsel.

Increasing Marijuana Use in High School Is Reported

The report raises concerns that the relaxation of restrictions on marijuana, which can now be sold legally in 20 states and the District of Columbia, has been influencing use of the drug among teenagers. Health officials are concerned by the steady increase and point to what they say is a growing body of evidence that adolescent brains, which are still developing, are susceptible to subtle changes caused by marijuana…