Tag: featured

What is Kathleen Kane up to?

First, she competes for precious campaign funds with the eight Democrats hoping to be the next Governor. While she is barely into her second year of her first four-year term as the state’s top legal officer, her campaign fund raising activities continue.

Voter-ID ruling: Let it be the last

The state’s case disintegrated when it could not provide a single example of voter impersonation, the type of fraud the law supposedly addressed. Meanwhile, critics of the law had no trouble producing examples of legitimate, longtime voters who would be unjustly and needlessly hampered by the requirement…

The President on Mass Surveillance

Mr. Obama did not address the bigger problem that the collection of all this data, no matter who ends up holding onto it, may not be making us any safer. That was the conclusion of the president’s review panel as well as afederal judge in Washington who ruled that the bulk-collection program was probably unconstitutional and an extensive report by the New America Foundation finding that the program “has had no discernible impact on preventing acts of terrorism and only the most marginal of impacts on preventing terrorist-related activity.”

Tom Corbetts’ nightmare: “Judge Disallows Plan by Detroit to Pay Off Banks”

In order to serve creditors and fleece the Lancaster public, Gov. Tom Corbett did everything he could to prevent Harrisburg from obtaining bankruptcy court protection. Had that occurred, the recently arrived at ‘bail out’ of Harrisburg creditors and the sale of the Harrisburg Incinerator at an astronomical price to the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (LCSWMA) would not likely have occurred.