Tag: featured


“Other than marijuana, heroin is the number one abused and sold controlled substance in Lancaster County,” said John Burkhart, a detective with the local Drug Task Force, “and has been for over three decades or more.”

DC City Council Approves Marijuana Decriminalization

The District of Columbia city council moved another step closer to decriminalizing marijuana possession in the nation’s capital Tuesday, approving a bill to do just that on an 11-1 vote. But it only acted after approving last-minute amendments that would make public pot-smoking a criminal offense and give police the right to conduct vehicle searches if they smell marijuana.

‘Aid in Dying’ Movement Takes Hold in Some States

Public support for assisted dying has grown in the past half-century but depends in part on terminology. In a Gallup Poll conducted in May, for example, 70 percent of respondents agreed that when patients and their families wanted it, doctors should be allowed to “end the patient’s life by some painless means.” In 1948, that share was 37 percent, and it rose steadily for four decades but has remained roughly stable since the mid-1990s…

Ethics Questions Arise as Genetic Testing of Embryos Increases

NEW YORK TIMES: Her first thought after she heard the news, after she screamed and made her mother and boyfriend leave the room, was that she would never have children. Amanda Baxley’s doctor had just told her, over a speakerphone in her psychiatrist’s office, that she had the gene for Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease, or GSS, which would inevitably lead to her slow and terrible death…

Pennsylvania dealing with rash of heroin overdoses

According to a report by the Pennsylvania State Coroners Association last year, heroin-related fatalities rose steadily from 332 in 2009 to 827 in 2012 in 40 counties that were surveyed. A partial report from 2013 counted 524 fatalities through the summer. Over that time period, a total of 2,676 people statewide died overdosing on heroin or a combination of heroin and other drugs.


“Corbett’s argument for selling off the stores would be more compelling, had the liquor store business been unprofitable. But as it is, the stores generate $500 million a year for state coffers…

Corbett budget revenue problem

The governor’s plan relies too heavily on putting off the state’s bills. He would postpone full pension payments, repeating a mistake that helped the state accumulate unfunded liabilities. He would delay payments to Medicaid providers, straining the health-care industry.