Tag: featured

Over 1 Million Added to Rolls of Health Plan

Most promising, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, is that 25 percent of those signing up for insurance from October through January were ages 18 to 34 — the young and presumably healthy people whom insurance companies need as customers in order to keep premiums reasonable for everyone…

Ukrainian Unrest and Jewish Question

As the Ukrainian protest movement grows, spreading from Kiev Maidan to more and more cities and areas, Russian state controlled media increases anti Maidan propaganda. Here is the list of terms used by Russian TV to define Ukrainian protesters: extremists, radicals, extremist militants, the ultra groups, gangs, raiders, rioters, storm troopers, nationalists, neo-Nazis, fascists.

Mercy in the Justice System

NEW YORK TIMES Editorial: …Presidents Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Lincoln, and Truman viewed the clemency process as a central mission of the office. But the concept of mercy went out of fashion by the 1980s, when the country embarked on a mandatory sentencing craze that barred judges from exercising leniency when it was clearly warranted and placed the justice system almost entirely in the hands of prosecutors.