Tag: featured

Rescuing a Vietnam Casualty: LBJ’s Legacy

NEW YORK TIMES: Luci Baines Johnson leaned forward in her father’s private suite at the L.B.J. Presidential Library, her voice breaking as she recounted the “agony of Vietnam” that engulfed Lyndon Baines Johnson and the pain she feels to this day of witnessing his presidency judged through the prism of a failed war.

Document shows NSA surveillance of law firm

USA TODAY: The National Security Agency was involved in the surveillance of an American law firm while it represented a foreign government in trade disputes with the United States, The New York Times reported in a story based on a top-secret document obtained by former NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden.

The Curse of Kane

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS Editorial: WHEN Attorney General Kathleen Kane declined to defend the state’s anti-gay marriage statute last year, it seemed she could be the political messiah who’d drag Pennsylvania into the realm of progress – especially if she ran, as anticipated, for governor.