Tag: featured

War fears decimate Russian stocks

Amid new signs that the situation in Crimea is getting even more tense, Ukraine’s defence ministry said its forces in Crimea had received an ultimatum from Russian forces to surrender to them by 5am local time on Tuesday or face military attack…

The Looming Marijuana Conundrum

To admit at this late date that the findings responsible for millions of felony arrests over an interval of 44 years have been erroneous would indeed be difficult, particularly since the real reason is that the authorities making and confirming them were medically incompetent, yet refused to allow pertinent evidence to be presented or heard.

No betting line on PA Governor’s race

Not that he didn’t have the opportunity to do better. With decent majorities in the state House and Senate, Corbett should have a record of accomplishment similar to GOP Governors in Michigan and Wisconsin. Corbett has proposed reforms in pension funding, labor unions, public education and privatization of any section of the government where people who benefit write large campaign checks.

Russian public anger over Ukraine

“I’m worried about the events in Ukraine. But much more I worry about what is happening in this regard in our country… Such unbridled propaganda and so many lies I cannot remember from the worst periods of the Brezhnev era. Guys, what are you trying to do? Create public opinion for the introduction of troops into the territory of a sovereign state? Chop off the Crimea?”

Business and the Minimum Wage

Some retailers pay their workers even more. Costco, one of the most successful retailers in the country, has a starting wage of $11.50 per hour for most entry-level jobs, and its average wage for hourly workers is $21 an hour. Patrick Callans, a senior vice president for the company, said that Costco’s higher pay and benefits “allows us to attract and retain great employees.” A 2006 management case study argues that the higher pay has also helped the company keep “shrinkage,” or theft, fraud and errors, low by industry standards