Tag: featured

TSUKERMAN: Where the children of Russian leaders live

Russian propaganda seeks to convince ordinary Russians that Russia is surrounded by immoral enemies of which United States and countries of European Union are the worst. In December 2012 President Putin even signed a law that bans citizens of the United States from adopting Russian orphans. Paradoxically the children of most members of Russian political elite, including Putin himself, live in United States or countries of European Union.

Pedophile-enabling prosecutors and officials try to run PA Attorney General out of office

The Pennsylvania pedophile scandal involving state prosecutors who trafficked in computer porn while, at the same time, covering up for Sandusky and his fellow perpetrators, is a major story. Unfortunately, the Pennsylvania newspapers, including The Inquirer, Allentown Morning Call, and Philadelphia Daily News, are all arrayed against Kane and ignoring the smut sent and received by state prosecutors who are now being protected by Philadelphia’s D.A., the state supreme court, and the the powers who are trying to replace Pennsylvania’s attorney general with one who will return to the status quo ante of covering up for influential pedophiles and perverts in high office…

Migration Aid volunteers rescue refugees from human smugglers

BUDAPEST BEACON: Acting on a tip that over one hundred Syrian refugees were being held against their will at a hotel in south Buda, eight Migration Aid volunteers and a photographer visited the Hotel Berlin in Budapest’s Hunyadi János street late Sunday night.  They ended up transporting some 80 Syrian asylum seekers by private car, taxi, and public transportation to Budapest’s Keleti (Eastern) station, where they put them on trains to Austria.