An article is headed: “A battle of wills: Judge says man, who changed his will to leave his estate, valued at $1.25 million to county library, not under ‘insane delusion.’ Family seeks trial, claiming oral contract was made before his death.”

It goes on to report:

“Because of Wilson Bucher’s history on the Lancaster County bench, the case was assigned to Judge C. Joseph Rehkamp of Perry County. On June 30, Rehkamp dismissed Wilson Bucher’s motion for summary judgment, ruling that while there’s no evidence his family was stealing from him, Thomas Bucher ‘had a strained relationship with his father and mother and siblings, and had expressed animus toward his brothers-in-law, particularly Steven R. Blair’ — and that his suspicions did not amount to an ‘insane delusion.’”

WATCHDOG: If there is any “insane delusion”, it is on the part of the relatives that have brought this frivolous action, perhaps as much out of a sense of having had their pride wounded as avarice.

Tragically, it is costing the Lancaster Public Library tens of thousands of dollars to defend the bequest.

Thomas Bucher was single, had no children, and chose to leave his estate to charity. He made that decision five years before his demise, which allowed him plenty of time to reflect upon the decision.

It is sad to see Judge Wilson Blucher’s good name dragged through such an apparent sordid testimony to family dysfunction and greed by his son-in-law.

Full disclosure: Publisher’s wife, Karen Haley Field, is past president and current treasurer of the Lancaster Public Library (on Duke Street) and is the Administrator representing the Library in this matter.
