Still an awful example of taxpayer stewardship

Sorry but I am not participating in the “Art-fest”.

Your comments regarding Gib and the last 3 million state dollars was very, very well said and exactly why I give Art Morris no credit whatsoever for his tenure at the LCCCA. He was willing to whore himself for the completion of “Dale World” just like the rest of the politicians and his previous chairmen.

I would love for someone to go back and take a look at all of the things that Art may have complained about not receiving proper state funding for while he was Mayor, and see just how many of them could have been satisfied with this $3 million. And remember, that is just the last $3 million.

Simply being better than his predecessors does not make him effective. Failing to demand the undo of the harm sewn prior to his arrival, and merely completing the project within the same awful framework in which it was started, does not deserve praise.

Furthermore, he had absolutely no business, based upon his previous public statements, political activities and job with LNP, even considering a position on the LCCCA. He had no more business serving on the LCCCA than I, and I at least know “a little” something about the industry in question.

Everything is relative. Was Art’s LCCCA better than Jim’s or Ted’s? Of course it was. That said, it was still an awful example of taxpayer stewardship. Art may have lit a candle inside of a pitch black room but the lights remain OFF.
