SD of L considering alternate delay practices

In response to an inquiry from NewsLanc concerning School District of Lancaster handlng of weather delays in light of needs of working parents and the homeless, Superintendant Pedro Rivera responded “Opening on time has been an ongoing discussion over the past few days.”

NewsLanc had suggested: “All that would be needed is for students to congregate in the cafeterias. There would be four categories: Regular school. Regular hours but not treated as late if up to two hours tardy. School open but two hour delay [of classes.] School closed.”

Rivera added: “I agree that schools must make themselves available as a service to those parents who rely on us to maintain their work schedule, to those students and families who utilize our breakfast program and our buildings.

“Currently we do not have a system that would allow us to stagger the start of the day for select staff, BUT we are currently working on language that will allow us to do just that (we can then sit with the unions to discuss who is affected).

” We WILL work to create a process to accommodate students and their families. We are on the same page as the four options.”
