Re-posting : Daniel Logan Revisited (First published June, 2007) visitors may recall articles in December 2006, questioning whether the more than $700,000 paid to the consultant, Daniel Logan, President of Growth Business Development, was justifiable. opined “… there appeared to be very little substantive work product to show for the huge amount of money.”

At the June 7 [2007] Convention Center Authority meeting, Brian Sparacino of Interstate Hotels & Resorts, the manager for both the hotel and center, stunned board members by telling them point blank that Interstate would not work with or even communicate with Logan. He spurned Logan’s services and indicated they consider him a competitor.

So much for spending $700,000!

But Mr. Logan will not be cast adrift. Executive director Dave Hixon said Logan would be kept on contract just in case there was a need for his services in the future.

