Election day NOT the end

By Dick Miller   WE.CONNECT.DOTS:   On the morning of November 9 you will see the worst in our politic is not over. A Clinton victory will just be the close of the latest chapter in the unraveling of the greatest – and longest lasting – democracy in the history of our planet. Trump is certain […]

Kane Trial Day 5: AG Kane declines to testify, and rests her defense without presenting witnesses

Since state Treasurer Budd Dwyer’s conviction and tragic death, this type of non-defense at trial hasn’t been used again by state officials facing prosecution, and for good reason   by Bill Keisling   Almost 30 years ago, in December 1986, Pennsylvania Treasurer R. Budd Dwyer, on trial in federal court, declined to present a defense at […]

Kane trial extra: Court officials release transcript of FBI wiretap of Kane consultant Josh Morrow

The value of phone tap recordings like this to criminal investigators is that they are unrehearsed, and recorded at the time of an alleged crime. There’s little opportunity for someone like Morrow to rehearse a story, or say he can’t remember what happened. by Bill Keisling Not long after the prosecution and defense rested Friday in […]

Greetings from Earth!

(The following originally appeared at our sister publication The Budapest Sentinel, and appears here by permission.) Dear Supreme Leader: I am pleased to report that we have finally discovered another place in the vast cosmos resembling our home world. Situated in the western part of the Eurasian subcontinent, Hungary has anticipated many of the best […]

Kane Trial Day 4: Consultant says he conspired with AG Kane to leak grand jury material

Political consultant Josh Morrow says he and Attorney General Kathleen Kane cooked up a cover story designed to conceal their involvement in the leak and to make Kane’s former second-in-command, Adrian King, the fall guy by Bill Keisling Philadelphia-based political consultant Josh Morrow testified at trial Thursday that he and Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane conspired […]

Associated Press report on Kane trial is an exhibit of outrageous media bias

  As an example of just how ignorant and careless the media is concerning Kathleen Kane’s tribulations as Attorney General, we invite readers to review the following AP article syndicated to newspapers and then compare what NewsLanc columnist Bill Keisling reports concerning happenings on day three of the trial Question for Ms Dale: Where is the rest of the […]