Who pays for higher ed hike?

By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS:  Who will pay for the settlement State System for Higher Education made with the union representing 5,000 faculty members on Friday? Senators spent this week on new laws allowing cops to wear body cameras without telling citizens and use radar for local speed traps. If progress was made on pension reform, […]

Say “No” again to judges

By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS: Pennsylvania was once known for the quality of its judicial system. At least that is the claim of Peter F. Vaira, a respected former U.S. Attorney from Philadelphia. Today, this branch of state government could more aptly be branded as a “good ole boy legal system,” similar to what ruled southern […]

Weed is Going to Win Big in November

  Home » Drug War Chronicle » Issue #947 by Phil Smith This article was produced in collaboration with AlterNet and first appeared here. A month out from Election Day, it’s looking like marijuana legalization is going to be a big winner. Initiatives are on the ballot in five states, including California, and all indications are that they are going to […]

KEISLING: Does Trump have hidden support in Pennsylvania?

The ‘Undercover Trump Voter’: A ‘Reverse Bradley Effect?’ Donald Trump is pandering to angry, often under-educated and politically unsophisticated voters in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. So are voters shy to tell pollsters of their real voting intentions? by Bill Keisling Is Donald Trump’s support in Pennsylvania stronger than polls suggest? In the last several weeks polls have placed […]