Dick Miller: Reasons to dislike inaugurals

By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS:   Donald Trump wants to be known as the “President of Change,” but Friday’s Inauguration events come off the same as most other President, Governor or – for that matter – dictator of your favorite Banana Republic. There are just more reasons to dislike inaugurations than to like them.  That doesn’t […]

WE.CONNECT.DOTS: Obamacare for dummies

By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS:  Once upon a time the leaders of the industrialized nations on earth concluded that quality health care was a right, not a privilege. Scratch that. Every industrialized nation except for the United States. Bosses in the United States believed health care was another product of a free market.  Another form of […]

Neighboring countries fear of Russia

By Slava Tsukerman Russia’s growing militarization and President Elect Donald Trump’s isolationistic sentiments trigger emotional reaction in countries neighboring Russia. A Lithuanian historian Alvydas Nikzhentaytis in his interview to the website Delfi said that in order to deal with Russia, neighboring countries need a new geopolitical alliance. The idea of the creation of an alliance, […]

LETTER: What will Baghdad face in 2017?

  What will Baghdad face in 2017? by Cathy Breen January 2, 2017 Being stuck in traffic is a daily fare in Baghdad. While checkpoints have been dramatically reduced in recent times, and the number of concrete walls appear markedly decreased, traffic jams still defy description. It doesn’t help in the least that everyone is […]

Accept President-Elect Donald Trump

By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS:  Donald Trump won the Presidency as legitimately as they come in American politics. As columnist Dave Barry contends, Russia had more to do with this election than the League of Women Voters.  Hillary rigged the primaries to make nomination more difficult for Sen. Sanders before Vladimir Putin sent his cyber troops […]

Pennsylvania resists paying lawyers’ bill for email report

ABC 27 / AP: The Pennsylvania attorney general’s office is resisting paying the bill from outside lawyers who investigated the swapping of sexually explicit and offensive material for years through office email by employees. A spokesman for Attorney General Bruce Beemer said Thursday the office is trying to negotiate an “acceptable settlement.” The spokesman says […]

Draft excerpt from Bill Keisling’s book underway: “Noah’s Ark Deal (Act 61 of 1985)”

  Editor:  Bill Keisling’s publications have been suspended as he works on his latest book, a compilation of representative items of Pennsylvania corruption and also of special laws favoring special interests.  Below  is a  draft sample: By Bill Keisling Throughout the years of the Republican Thornburgh administration, from 1979 to 1987, the Democrats had been shut […]