TSUKERMAN: Russian Commentary re the Assassination of the Duma Defector

By Slava Tsukerman On March 14, 2017, NewsLanc published my article “Duma Defectors” about two former members of the Russian State Duma: Communist party representative Denis Voronenkov and his wife, the renowned opera singer Maria Maksakova, who moved to Kiev and became Ukrainian citizens shortly thereafter. On March 23, Voronenkov was shot in the street in […]

MILLER: Setback of Trumpcare: it ain’t over

By Dick Mlller WE.CONNECT.DOTS:  Liberals, moderates, progressives and just-plain people who need Obamacare health insurance count last week’s Congressional rejection of Trumpcare as a victory. There are reasons not to celebrate. Obamacare will implode soon.  President Trump has plenty of time to make that happen. President Obama rejected outright implementation of universal healthcare, opting instead […]

REF SPEAKS: Impeachment is what every highly respected political analyst is thinking but no one is saying

By Robert Field For those born as early as the 1950s, one cannot help feel that we are reliving the tragic Watergate saga that dragged out from June, 1972 through August of 1974 and ended in the imminent impeachment of President Richard Nixon and his last minute resignation. According to Wikipedia: “Watergate was a major political scandal that occurred […]

MILLER: Rural areas get free police services

WE.CONNECT.DOTS: Hempfield Township in Westmoreland County promotes itself as “a great place to raise a family.” Promotion for the largest suburb of Pittsburgh should be “a great place to raise a family where you don’t have to pay your fair share.” With one of the 20 largest populations in Pennsylvania at a 2010 census of over […]

Tsukerman on Russia: Duma Defectors

By Slava Tsukerman       It is recognized that the Russian parliament State Duma usually almost unanimously votes for every Putin’s initiative. The famous Russian TV personality Vladimir Pozner once made on the air a “slip of the tongue” saying “State dura” instead of “State Duma”. “Duma” in Russian means “thinker”, “thinking body”. “Dura” […]

MILLER: Is healthcare a right?

By Dick Miller   WE.CONNECT.DOTS:   Congress will adopt some version of Trumpcare. Republicans control the government.  Democrats are so ineffective they can hardly be called “loyal opposition.”  President Trump now regards the media as his first enemy, not the Democrats. Healthcare is now all about tax cuts.  Under Obamacare, the rich were targeted for […]

KEISLING: Rolf Larsen conviction and impeachment, 1994

NewsLanc Editor:  This is another excerpt from the book on corruption in Pennsylvania government and media that writer Bill Keisling is preparing for publication later in 2017  (Or so we hope.)  Upon publication, the book will substantiate why Pennsylvania is currently rated among the most corrupt states in the Union.  Things have not changed much and, in some […]

Putin’s Plans for Ukraine

By Slava Tsukerman   In last several months 9 out of 12 military commanders and rulers of Donbas (East-Ukrainian) separatists were assassinated. Who killed them? The Russian official theory was that the separatists were killed by the Ukrainian agents. Many believed another theory, that the leaders of the competing militant groups were killing each other. […]