TSUKERMAN: Chechen Gay Scandal

By Slava Tsukerman On April 5, my article about mass detentions of residents of Chechnya in connection with their “non-traditional sexual orientation”, or suspicion of such, was published in Newslanc. (https://newslanc.com/tsukerman-anti-gay-repression-in-chechnya/) Chechen government declined all the accusations, stating: “All reports of repressions against gays are untrue, because there are no gays in Chechnya… You cannot arrest […]

PA Republicans looking good for next year

  By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS:   Four years ago, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett was gearing up for re-election in 2014 with national media proclaiming he was the most vulnerable governor in America. The Democrats had four heavy hitters battling in the primary for the right to dethrone Corbett. Tom Wolf bought the primary with his own […]

Ed Rendell resigns “advisory” role

By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS:  An obscure cash-swollen casino run by a protégé of President Trump has captured attention of Federal authorities. FBI agents raided “Best Sunshine Live” casino on the U.S. controlled tiny island of Saipan this week. Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said this week he would resign as a $5,000-per-month “advisor” to the […]

State ponies up $2M grant for The Crossings

EDITOR: More “Alms for the Rich” at taxpayers’ expense. Seems like Dale High has head in every public trough. Like CRIZ money for the Marriott, it’s a gift, not a loan. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BUSINESS JOURNAL: East Lampeter Township-based High Real Estate Group LLC is drawing support from the state as the company carries out the […]

Western academics stand up for Academic Freedom in open letter to government of Hungary

EDITOR:  From our sister news web site, The Budapest Beacon MARCH 31, 2017 BY BENJAMIN NOVAK CEU’s new “N15” building in Budapest’s Nádros street. A group calling itself the “Friends of CEU” issued the following open letter to the government of Hungary on March 30th, 2017 in response to proposed legislation that would effectively force Budapest’s Central European University to close its doors.  The […]