TSUKERMAN: Russia Accuses USA of “Harvesting Russian Tissue”

By Slava Tsukerman The opening of Wall of Sorrow memorial was the event that concluded the session of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.  During the session the idea was voiced that some people, with the help of surveillance systems, are collecting images of Russian people. Answering this assumption, Putin spoke of even more mysterious fact, saying: “Images, it’s okay. But […]

Medical Marijuana Update

by psmith  Congresspeople want the VA to research medical marijuana, New Jersey expands its list of qualifying conditions, and more. NationalLast Thursday,lawmakers called on the VA to research medical marijuana for veterans. A group of lawmakers who sit on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee wrote a letter to Veteran Affairs Secretary David Shulkin urging him […]

New Gallup Poll Finds Record Support for Marijuana Legalization

Drug Policy Alliance drugpolicy.org     64% of Americans, Including Majority of Republicans, Support Legalization   A new Gallup poll shows record-breaking support for marijuana legalization, with 64 percent of Americans now in favor of ending marijuana prohibition. The number is the highest level of support in nearly half a century of surveying adults on the issue, according […]

Did Americans really celebrate Putin’s birthday (or when is a Whopper but a whopper?)

  By Slava Tsukerman On October 7, Russia celebrated President Vladimir Putin’s 65th birthday. According to the Russian media, that event was joyfully noted throughout the entire world and especially in the USA. The Russian state News Agency TASS reported that on Vladimir Putin’s birthday Ledo Pizza restaurant in Washington, DC offered visitors “pizza in Russian […]

Russian Reaction to Morgan Freeman Accusation ‘We are at war. We have been attacked”

By Slava Tsukerman On September 19, Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman published on Internet a two-minute video he filmed for the non-profit ‘Committee to Investigate Russia’. He claimed that Moscow meddled in the US election. In the video Freeman said: “We are at war. We have been attacked.” He stated that the attack was masterminded by […]