Letter to the editor says City being defrauded of $4.7 million

Are you aware of this situation? MAW is a fraud and the city is out $4.7 million!!! LNP will not report on it becuase somehow they are also connected (received money from MAW): http://lancasteronline.com/news/local/official-it-s-not-risky-for-city-to-put-up/article_a9e76b6a-0456-11e7-9f07-2b86355a4f2e.html They’re all here together in this video: http://lancasteronline.com/news/local/watch-congressman-smucker-meets-with-lnp-editorial-board/article_4f40a3ee-86b4-11e7-a93a-47cfbde0d028.html

REF Speaks: Turning Around Downtown Lancaster

A reader recently forwarded “Turning Around Downtown; Twelve Steps to Revitalization”  by Christopoher B. Leinberger. https://www.brookings.edu/research/turning-around-downtown-twelve-steps-to-revitalization/ This is indeed a very informative article, albeit a dozen years old.  If it were to be written today, I think there would be some modifications but the overall thrust would remain. One thing that is not taken into consideration is […]

Jeff Sessions Expected to Rescind Obama-Era “Cole Memo” That Allowed States to Implement Marijuana Laws Without Federal Interference

  DPA Statement: This is Bad News For Civil and Human Rights – and Bad Politics for Team Trump   DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE:  The AP reported this morning that US Attorney General Jeff Sessions plans today to rescind Obama-era guidance by the Department of Justice allowing states to implement their own marijuana laws with limited federal […]

Some seek to cast suspicion on Jews for “ritual killing” the last Russian Tsar

by Slava Tsukerman On November 27 a conference dedicated to “new expertise and evidence” on the last Russian tsar’s Nicholas II murder took place in the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow. Patriarch Kirill led a delegation from the Russian Orthodox Church at the conference. At the conference Bishop Tikhon Shevkunov, widely seen as Putin’s personal confessor, […]

Documents Finally Released

The photo is of eight inches of documents finally made available to NewsLanc as a result of our ‘Request for Public Information’ filing over half a year ago that was stone walled by the City of Lancaster, later ordered to be delivered by the State but yet withheld, and finally made available through negotiation among […]

Donald Trump gets a 25% reduction in income taxes

According to today’s New York Times article “Business tax bill offers last minute breaks for developers, banks and oil industry”: “Lower Taxes for Top 1 Percent” “One of the bill’s biggest windfalls for the wealthy — cutting taxes on income received through so-called pass-through entities like partnerships, popular with real estate developers — got even […]