Newly formed Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship should come to the rescue

In response to the rush to judgment by the NCAA and outlandish  ineptitude and neglect by Penn States Board of Trustees ,  PS4RS is being formed without ties to either the University of the Penn State Alumni Association.

ThePS4RS web site explains:

“Why is PS4RS Reviewing the Freeh Report?

“PS4RS is conducting a comprehensive analysis of the Freeh Report and an identification of its unsupported or inaccurate conclusions, inappropriate opinions, and lack of completeness based upon the evidence that is available to us. This is not a “Re-Investigation” as we neither have the resources nor access to do so. Rather, it is the critical analysis that should have been done by the Board of Trustees immediately upon receipt of the report and most certainly before adopting it and allowing it to be used by the NCAA to impose crippling penalties.

“Who is leading the Critical Review & Analysis of the Freeh Report?

“Robert Tribeck, Esq.a labor and employment attorney with Harrisburg-based Rhoads & Sinon. Tribeck is also the co-chair of the PS4RS Legal and Regulatory Task Force

“Is PS4RS Accepting Assistance?

“Would you like to assist the Task Force on the Critical Review & Analysis of the Freeh Report? Please fill in the form below and we will contact you.

Register for the Taskforce

“Additionally, PS4RS will accept written summaries prepared by others for review. If you have prepared a summary and you would like to send it to us email it to [email protected]

Although not a graduate of Penn State, the editor suggests the following:

1)       Replace all members of the Penn State Board of Trustees.  They have proven themselves lemmings, stampeded by the diversionary blandishments of ex officio member Governor Tom Corbett and failing to challenge the rush-to-judgment of the NCAA.

2)      The PS4RS should demand that NCAA suspend all penalties at least through 2012 and conducts a thorough investigation of all the facts with hearings open to the public.

3)       The University should be instructed to seek a stay of the NCAA ruling in court until a proper investigation can be conducted per the NCAA charter and precedents.  If the University fails to do so, PS4RS should act on behalf of students, faculty, alumni and citizens.

4)      If Pennsylvania governors are to remain ex-officio members, they should be deprived of any vote.  Furthermore, they should be represented rather than attending in person.

5)      A new board of trustees should consist of no more than twelve members.   There is no way a body of 33 can monitor, influence and act effectively.
