McCord, GOP in dustup over Corbett criticism

CENTRE DAILY: …On Tuesday, Pennsylvania’s Republican Party and Corbett’s campaign fired back at McCord, a Democratic candidate for governor, after he called Corbett’s alternative to a Medicaid expansion “boneheaded from beginning to end” and suggested that Corbett doesn’t understand the state’s public pension system.

The party said McCord has used “bully tactics” and is “desperate for attention,” while Corbett’s campaign called McCord’s actions “classless.”…

But the back-and-forth between Corbett and McCord is increasingly strident and bordering on the personal. It comes at a time McCord has just aired his first two TV commercials, including a 60-second ad that rips Corbett as behaving like a “wholly owned subsidiary” of the natural gas drilling industry and says Corbett “has no sense of what’s going on in working families.” … (more)
