LETTER: Sarah Palin and the GOP

Re: Sarah Palin and her onetime fans on the right: It’s so over

I don’t know, I personally have always found Palin to be a shallow phony but that pretty much reflects the rank and file of the GOP who support any of the empty suits they have running that party.

Also, I’d bet if you gave cognitive tests to the current Vice President Biden and Palin, and this isn’t saying much, I’d bet Palin would out perform him. Biden sounds organic when he speaks and I know he had brain surgery for cerebral hemorrhage.

EDITOR: Palin may have a high IQ. But she is simply purposefully ignorant, even more so than most of her right wing Republican ideologues.

Many people choose ignorance to support their predispositions. When it comes to cherished misconceptions, they live a counter factual life. Palin is just an extreme case of what we run into in our daily lives.

If you seek to bring about fact-based change, reach out to college students. It takes a whole generation. It did for us in Drug Policy reform.


1 Comment

  1. I loved the 8 years of fact based foreign policy we had from the Bush Cheney regime and how it was so ardently embraced by the fact based informed public. I guess what I am getting at is no matter how stupid Palin is we have had worse from both political parties. And that reflects the population on the whole. Bread and circuses don’t you know?

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