LETTER: Making obscenity normal

Re: “Celebrating the 75th anniversary of a Russian Gulag”

It seems like an obscenity to celebrate a concentration camp, but it makes complete sense for people to feel gratitude for having jobs and to feel pride in performing them well. After a while, a concentration camp becomes simply a workplace, an enterprise that contributes to the local community by providing jobs.

How can a person take pride in an obscenity? Only by making it normal.

People are deeply grateful to have jobs. See how the construction workers support the Keystone XL pipeline even though it will harm the planet! Consider how proud the people of Fukushima were of their four nuclear reactors — before they melted down.
his is how we learn to learn to love what is obscene — to accept that which we should hate.

EDITOR: Shades of “The Bridge over the River Kwai”
