LETTER: Employee Retirement will cost SD of L an extra $4 million in 2013-2014

Re: Pension reform likely to be next major issue for Pa. Legislature to tackle

Public School Employees’ Retirement System will cost the School District of Lancaster an additional $4 million dollars in the 2013-2014 school year. Similar increases are expected for the next several years.

Even with the pain of increasing local real estate taxes, staff and program cuts are inevitable as a result of Pennsylvania’s gross mishandling of school pension funds over the past decade and a half.

Note that these pension funds include ALL school employees in PA, not just teachers and administrators.


1 Comment

  1. If the state has mishandled the Public School Employees Retirement system, why do the taxpayers end up shouldering the costs? Let the state take the expense and blame to bring the funds in line with what they should be.

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