Editorial “Pot plan should go up in smoke” opines:

“Last year, there was talk about the state Legislature approving marijuana use for medicinal purposes (although it is difficult to see how burning marijuana leaves, which releases numerous harmful chemicals, constitutes medicine). Thankfully, the talk got nowhere.”

“The so-called ‘war on drugs,’ Leach says, is ‘racially biased, inefficient and ineffective, and this modern-day prohibition of a product less harmful than alcohol and tobacco needs to end.’ ”

“It’s a familiar argument that conveniently omits the downside of marijuana — the health risks (for example, the ill effects on the brain from chronic pot use) and the risk of marijuana being a gateway to illicit drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. All of this has dire consequences for users, families and friends and society, in general.”

WATCHDOG: 1) Polls consistently indicate around 80% approval for medical marijuana. There is overwhelming evidence of its beneficial treatment of many physical and psychological maladies.

2) A federal study concluded ranked the dangers of marijuana about equivalent to that of coffee, and far, far safer than nicotine, heroin, cocaine and alcohol.

3) Chronic of marijuana is as bad as chronic use of alcoholic beverages or chronic over eating. Come to think of it, almost everything that is “chronic” is bad.

4) There is no evidence that marijuana is a “gateway drug”, any more so that cigarettes and coffee. There is a lot of evidence that marijuana is an effective substitute for alcoholism.

NEWSLANC herewith award the benighted editor(s) who wrote the silly editorial a free year’s subscription to (It’s free to everyone, but they apparently have not gone to it so they don’t know.) However, 2000 others do each day.
