Gov. Ed Rendell Op-Ed: “Compromise in Harrisburg”

PHILLY.COM OP-ED …Pennsylvania’s political leaders will have a chance this month to dramatically change that perception by enacting a budget that will bring about real structural change in the way government operates. If it’s done correctly, Harrisburg could both meet the state’s financial challenges and start to restore faith in government.

To do so will require an end to political posturing and a willingness to reach a real compromise. It’s not going to be easy given the bleak financial landscape. Fortunately, I believe Harrisburg’s table has been set for big things to happen.

Gov. Wolf’s sweeping and courageous budget plan is the beginning of what could be a historic moment for Pennsylvania. He has proposed increased funding for needed investments in education, economic development, and infrastructure. The proposal includes bold ideas that totally restructure the way the commonwealth raises revenue and puts forth ideas Republicans have espoused for years, including property tax reform and reducing business taxes. I see it as the beginning of a workable compromise… (more)
