Fathers “sperm donors and ATM machines”

I would like to express my gratitude for your efforts in covering this 3 part series presented by Mr. Vonderheide. For many years, this issue received absolutely no coverage by the press and consequently countless children lost their fathers because of the powers that be.

We live in a society where the fabrics of the “traditional” American households are unraveling at the seams. More and more families are relying on the court system to settle life’s disputes. It is with great contention that the Lancaster, PA Family Court System systematically targets men and unethically orders them to be “sperm donors and ATM machines” rather then FATHERS to their children.

It is with great appreciation that your organization realizes the severity of this issue and is assisting in the change that will change our CHILDREN’S lives forever.


1 Comment

  1. Through the persistent efforts with increasing credence and impact, Mr. Vonderheide has gotten my attention and the attention of Lancaster County officials who can make a difference. My hope is that he and others who support this effort will work supportively with Commissioner Martin and the team he is assembling to address these and related issues.

    Results will not come overnight if they are to last; and the team being assembled to address the issues cannot succeed without continued visible support from those involved. Please stay visible and be as supportive of honest change as you can.

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