County Admin. Building Renovations on Target for July 2009 Completion

Mike Myers, the Operations Manager for KCI – the construction firm managing the renovations to the County’s 150 N. Queen St. administrative building – gave the County Commissioners a brief update on the project’s progress, Wednesday morning.

The project is roughly 65% complete, Myers reported. The targeted completion date for the renovations is still July 2009.

Recent progress includes demolition of the fourth floor, which will be reconstructed entirely. After which, the third floor will also be demolished and reconstructed.

Myers assured that a project manager and quality manager are both on-site full time.

The Commissioners also approved $127,000 in change orders related to the project. $70,952 of that value is for fireproofing in the second floor tower area.

The total cost of the renovations to the building is roughly $48 million.
