Council should support Single Payer Health Care

Lisa Armellino is misinformed, and apparently by partisan sources.  (See

I’m a businessman and helped to get the bill written and put into play in Harrisburg. Both Republicans and Democrats have endorsed the bill and over 60 legislators are co-sponsors.

My last business paid 24% of payroll to insurance companies–we call it the insurance racket tax. 10% would be, well, less. Much less. But businesses that don’t currently cover their employees will obviously pay more. Part of personal responsibility is civic responsibility, and the health of all of us–regardless of employment or social status–is critical to the strength of our communities, state, and economy.

The single-payer solution covers everyone, lowers costs for most businesses and people, and eliminates needless waste in the system. If Lisa believes in the waste of the status quo, then we have to disagree on this. If she believes that not all Americans deserve care, then we disagree.

Finally–she lists California and Massachusetts as examples. Those healthcare systems are insurance-company systems, not single-payer. Nor are they universal. So Lisa, we’re thrilled you care about the issue. But dig deeper, learn more about it at, and come back and let us know what you think. If we built the roads like we’ve built healthcare, we’d have a hell of a time. With healthcare, it’s just pure hell.
