LETTER: Cannot afford despair

“I articulate the deepest-felt values of the American people,” Newt Gingrich

We need to examine this claim against his many “articulations”. Does he not also articulate our fears, our ideological biases, our stereotypes, our anger? Does he really articulate the “deepest-felt values of our “better angels”?

Our society is in a very vulnerable position, a position that can be exploited by a clever and well financed demagogue.

Some say all politicians are demagogues and all of them exploit peoples fears for their own power and ego together with the interests of those who finance them. So, their conclusion is that it does not really matter. “In the battle of demagogues, we vote for our own brand”.

If this view prevails we are doomed. As cynical as we may be, we simply cannot afford to indulge our despair.
