Harrisburg incinerator audit shows party’s over


…This triumvirate of evidence and analysis finally confirms what everyone has long suspected to be the truth: The incinerator financing was a sophisticated financial crime.

It will no longer be enough for those involved and who claimed to legal responsibility to shrug their shoulders and utter the phrase they think absolves them from willful deceit and criminal conspiracy: “Hey, sometimes public projects fail.” Of course they fail. They fail when people in charge flaunt every rule, every legal standard, every shred of common sense or civic decency. The audit, released last week, did what no public law enforcement agency had the guts or will to undertake.

It presented evidence that the incinerator financing was a criminal scheme created by elected and appointed officials who used the incinerator as a cash cow. It was a terrible scheme papered over by scores of lawyers and other “professionals” who were paid handsomely to make sure the house of cards was never exposed. It was such a compelling scheme because SWAP after fee-generating SWAP, money flowed from the incinerator to those creative souls who knew how to circumvent the law — and reality — to generate their payoff…

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