CAARRT leader responds to Ben Bamford

NewsLanc received the following from Sylvia Fisher of CAARRT in response to “Bamford out of touch on LT rail yard controversy.

“It was a bit disingenuous of Ben Bamford.  Yes, he did meet with me, as well as Bob Demarais, at the time head of the Old School Lane Hills Association.  Because the relocated rail yard was planned to be built behind the Lancaster Post Office, I naively thought that High Real Estate (developer of the Crossings) would be interested in having the rail yard relocated within the current Dillerville Rail Yard (TRRAAC’s alternative site), rather than next to their ‘upscale’ shopping center.

“At the time of the meeting, the High Cos were the second largest private firm in Central PA.  They were asking the federal government for $20 million.  I thought $25,000 would be a small sum to guarantee that the relocation was the best for Lancaster City, F&M , the Crossings and certainly Old School Lane Hills.

“But, TRRAAC, now CAARRT, also asked for $25,000 to fund an alternative study from LGH as well as from the Hourglass Foundation.  A group of 100 homes have been unable to fund a study for $25,000, unable to fight the developing of F&M.

“I am very, very surprised that a Project Manager of the largest developer in Lancaster County can run for a Supervisor position in Lancaster Township.  Isn’t that a ‘conflict of interest?’”


1 Comment

  1. “ABSOLUTELY ” The man has a lot of conflicts with his job and his friends that will always win out and be more important then the citizens he wants to represent. Mr. Bamford is a great guy that needs to keep doing his job for High Industries and leave the supervisors job in Lancaster Township alone.

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