Bamford out of touch on LT rail yard controversy

NewsLanc’s Cliff Lewis also posed written questions to Ben Bamford, candidate for Tony Allen’s seat as a Lancaster Township supervisor, concerning the relocation of the Norfolk Southern rail yard in close proximity to Lancaster Township, an action vehemently opposed by nearby township residents and others. The questions and written responses follow:

1) What position did you take concerning TRRAAC’s requests that alternate sites for relocating the rail yard be analyses by a neutral party? “I had spoken with Sarah Young Fisher a few times directly about TRRAAC’s request for a study of alternative sites. TRRAAC was not willing at that point to undertake a study of that financial magnitude. I did tell her that TRRAAC’s credibility would be greatly enhanced if they could provide data that would lead to a greater understanding of the alternatives. In that, it is possible that TRRAAC could have gained more support for their position.”

2) Did you attend their meetings? “I did attend a meeting at Grace Baptist Church where a former employee of Armstrong provided information relative to the types of materials that were supposedly dumped on the site. In addition, Mr. Cluck discussed issues related to DEP policy and procedure. The focus of the meeting was to further increase awareness of the issues. I believe that your publisher was in attendance.”

3) Did you speak up for or against the chosen location? “I did not speak up for or against the chosen location.”

4) Have you written any letters to the editors or columns on the subject providing your views? “I have not written letters to the editor or columns regarding my views on the subject.”

After his answers, Bamford commented: “It is my understanding that TRRAAC is no longer. They seem to have disbanded as members have gone their separate ways. If this is not true then please tell me.”

He is apparently unaware that TRRAAC has been renamed CAARRT (TRRAAC in reverse) and continues to actively challenge the legality and propriety of the proposed rail yard location.


1 Comment

  1. Mr. Bamford is in touch with the City of Lancaster and the Gray administration. BEWARE Lancaster Township of the possibility of making the township a step child to the city.

    I am very concerned that Mr. Bamford will be a pawn of the big players in the city. (High, F&M, Lancaster General, Lancaster Newspapers.) That’s the last thing we need representing the township.

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